1. Principles » Your Dashboard
What beliefs equate to success to me?
01. [] Take the Gallup Strength Finder 2.0
02. [] Host a Potluck Dinner
03. [] Read The Alchemist
04. [] Take a Personal Development Course
05. [] Read Rich Dad Poor Dad
06. [] Journal for 30 Days in a Row
07. [] Hold 2 Leadership Positions
08. [] Read a Spiritual Text Cover to Cover
2. Passions » Your Keys
What do I love doing and why?
09. [] Play an Intramural Sport for Fun
10. [] Volunteer for an Organization that Moves You
11. [] Take a Graduate School Course
12. [] Finish an Assignment One Week Early
13. [] Do a Public Speech
14. [] Start a Campus Club
15. [] Learn to Play an Instrument
16. [] Write a Business Plan
3. Problems » Your Fuel
What social, scientific, technical, and/or personal problem do I want to solve?
17. [] Wear a Costume to Class (on a day other than Halloween)
18. [] Do Karaoke
19. [] Write an Article for the Campus Paper
20. [] Recite a Poem at an Open Mic
21. [] Correct your Professor
22. [] Do something you’ll likely get Rejected from
23. [] Get a Grade Change
24. [] Take a Quarter, Semester, or Year off
4. People » Your Motor
Whom do I want to serve and how?
25. [] Attend a Meeting of a Group you Think Thinks Differently
26. [] Get off Campus and go Camping
27. [] Join a National Organization
28. [] Mentor a Younger Person
29. [] Raise $1,000 for an Organization you Care About
30. [] Go on a Cross Country Road Trip
31. [] Study Abroad
32. [] Visit your Country of Cultural Origin
5. Positioning » Your Lane
What do I want to be #1 in the world at?
33. [] Buy your own Domain Name
34. [] Start a Blog/Website
35. [] Start Tweeting (Follow us at www.twitter.com/nscsroute66)
36. [] Buy Business cards
37. [] Create a Resume 2.0 on KODA.US/nscs
38. [] Do your Future Job Now
39. [] Create a Portfolio of your work
40. [] Intern with Two Companies
6. Pioneers » Your Pace Cars
Who are my models, mentors, or guides?
41. [] Watch 20 Videos @ Ted.com
42. [] Find an Upperclassman Mentor
43. [] Take a Professor to Lunch
44. [] Seek to Meet a Prominent Alumni
45. [] Interview your Grandparents
46. [] Shadow an Alumni on a Project
47. [] Conduct Research with a Professor
48. [] Choose something to Master and Practice Everyday
7. Picture » Your Road Map
What’s my vision for myself and my world?
49. [] Learn WordPress
50. [] Master Excel and Powerpoint
51. [] Abstain from Something
52. [] Organize a Huge Event and Build a Team
53. [] Create a Vision Board
54. [] Learn how to use Photoshop or iMovie
55. [] Learn HTML & CSS
56. [] Sell something and Make a Profit
8. Possibility » Your Destination
What would be possible in the world with me that is not possible without me?
57. [] Learn to do your own Taxes
58. [] Run a Marathon
59. [] Take the GMAT, GRE, LSAT, or MCAT
60. [] Save $5,000 to $10,000
61. [] Clear your Credit Card Debt
62. [] Learn a Foreign Language
63. [] Get your Real Estate License
64. [] Earn a Certificate or License relevant to your Path
Last but not least…
65. [] Complete the 64 Things to do before you Graduate List
66. [] Graduate 10 Times more ready for the World than your Classmates
That's a great list. If you don't get all of them done by December, it's a great life list too... not just college. You make me proud Beaner! I love you.