Sunday, March 13, 2011

a list worth doing.

I was browsing around the internet and came upon this link

I'll admit. I was ready to not be impressed. I envisioned things like "get so drunk you can't remember your first name" or "streak at as many sporting events as possible". Things that for whatever reason define the college experience and aren't exactly up my alley. But to each his own.

But when I took a look at the list I was impressed. And intrigued. And curious. And inspired.
It's a list of legitimate things to do. That not only will improve you and prepare you for the future, but make your college experience a little more memorable and worthwhile. Some increase knowledge, some widen your scope of abilities and talents, and some are just for fun.

1. Principles » Your Dashboard

What beliefs equate to success to me?

01. [] Take the Gallup Strength Finder 2.0

02. [] Host a Potluck Dinner

03. [] Read The Alchemist

04. [] Take a Personal Development Course

05. [] Read Rich Dad Poor Dad

06. [] Journal for 30 Days in a Row

07. [] Hold 2 Leadership Positions

08. [] Read a Spiritual Text Cover to Cover

2. Passions » Your Keys

What do I love doing and why?

09. [] Play an Intramural Sport for Fun

10. [] Volunteer for an Organization that Moves You

11. [] Take a Graduate School Course

12. [] Finish an Assignment One Week Early

13. [] Do a Public Speech

14. [] Start a Campus Club

15. [] Learn to Play an Instrument

16. [] Write a Business Plan

3. Problems » Your Fuel

What social, scientific, technical, and/or personal problem do I want to solve?

17. [] Wear a Costume to Class (on a day other than Halloween)

18. [] Do Karaoke

19. [] Write an Article for the Campus Paper

20. [] Recite a Poem at an Open Mic

21. [] Correct your Professor

22. [] Do something you’ll likely get Rejected from

23. [] Get a Grade Change

24. [] Take a Quarter, Semester, or Year off

4. People » Your Motor

Whom do I want to serve and how?

25. [] Attend a Meeting of a Group you Think Thinks Differently

26. [] Get off Campus and go Camping

27. [] Join a National Organization

28. [] Mentor a Younger Person

29. [] Raise $1,000 for an Organization you Care About

30. [] Go on a Cross Country Road Trip

31. [] Study Abroad

32. [] Visit your Country of Cultural Origin

5. Positioning » Your Lane

What do I want to be #1 in the world at?

33. [] Buy your own Domain Name

34. [] Start a Blog/Website

35. [] Start Tweeting (Follow us at

36. [] Buy Business cards

37. [] Create a Resume 2.0 on KODA.US/nscs

38. [] Do your Future Job Now

39. [] Create a Portfolio of your work

40. [] Intern with Two Companies

6. Pioneers » Your Pace Cars

Who are my models, mentors, or guides?

41. [] Watch 20 Videos @

42. [] Find an Upperclassman Mentor

43. [] Take a Professor to Lunch

44. [] Seek to Meet a Prominent Alumni

45. [] Interview your Grandparents

46. [] Shadow an Alumni on a Project

47. [] Conduct Research with a Professor

48. [] Choose something to Master and Practice Everyday

7. Picture » Your Road Map

What’s my vision for myself and my world?

49. [] Learn WordPress

50. [] Master Excel and Powerpoint

51. [] Abstain from Something

52. [] Organize a Huge Event and Build a Team

53. [] Create a Vision Board

54. [] Learn how to use Photoshop or iMovie

55. [] Learn HTML & CSS

56. [] Sell something and Make a Profit

8. Possibility » Your Destination

What would be possible in the world with me that is not possible without me?

57. [] Learn to do your own Taxes

58. [] Run a Marathon

59. [] Take the GMAT, GRE, LSAT, or MCAT

60. [] Save $5,000 to $10,000

61. [] Clear your Credit Card Debt

62. [] Learn a Foreign Language

63. [] Get your Real Estate License

64. [] Earn a Certificate or License relevant to your Path

Last but not least…

65. [] Complete the 64 Things to do before you Graduate List

66. [] Graduate 10 Times more ready for the World than your Classmates

66. Route 66. Get the car theme? I thought it was pretty clever. These were all taken from the website. I didn't create any of them. I wish I was that creative . But for now I will have to benefit from the creativity of someone else.

Let's be honest. As much as I love college, it can get a little mundane. Not to say education isn't important, it's just easy to get into the school rut. You wake up, go to class, take notes, fail a test or several and there seems to be a never ending pile of homework. Your confidences waxes and wanes. And you do it day after day. Semester after semester. Year after year.

So needless to say....I'm getting a little sick of it. It being college. I think we all do. Maybe. It seems like I'm at that weird phase. About to graduate, not really sure what exactly I want to do. I have ideas, and in a perfect world I would bake cupcakes all day and sell them at my very own cupcake bakery.

Do you ever feel like life is just happening around you? Almost like you're observing it? At times I feel out of place. That I'm just here at school ever so temporarily and preparing to the best of my abilities for whatever comes next.

I think I'm in survival mode. Just taking it as it comes. Wanting to be done and on to the next phase of my life. After all, life is about progressing and growing. And I've been in this phase for so long. Since September 2005. Granted, I did take three semesters "off" to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus-Christ of Latter-day Saints But still. I've been in this phase for quite. some. time.

Well my estimated graduation date is December 2011. After getting a hold on my account due to high credits, going on a wild goose chase to get it lifted, changing to a Bachelor of Science to avoid any further Spanish classes, getting an internship, and a list of other things, graduation is finally in sight. Finally.

So with two semesters left, it's coming down to the wire. And I'm going to make my college experience the very best that I can. Personally and to benefit my future. All while keeping my mental health in check.

1 comment:

  1. That's a great list. If you don't get all of them done by December, it's a great life list too... not just college. You make me proud Beaner! I love you.


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